尊重私隱的通訊軟件 Signal & Telegram

現在科網絡巨企業壟斷 網絡資訊 和替 某支邪惡政權 侵害言論自由 從而 偷取美國實質政權。今天 Whatsapp 宣佈 用戶資料 (尤其是通訊錄和通話記錄) 要和母公司Facebook結合。

大家請不要再使用邪惡利益集團的平台,然後讓他們任意宰割。為了避免個人資料(尤其是電話簿)外洩,要在今年(2021)二月前把 Whatsapp 刪掉。尊重個人私隱的代替品有 Signal App (signal.org) 和 Telegram (telegram.org)。

如果要保障資料不被出賣,Signal是首選!要好好記住密碼,忘記了的話,Signal方面沒有辦法解密(即是執法機關沒有辦法逼他們交出主人密碼)。Telegram 是俄羅斯富商自費研發的,從來不向獨裁者交出用戶資料。但技術上不可能被出賣 Signal 總比要看 Telegram 的主人的逆權鬥志安全。

Signal 是富商 Brian Action 離開 Whatsapp 後用自己的資金的 非牟利( 美國501(c)(3) )事業。他是和 Whatsapp 意見不合而離開的,應該不是和 FB/Whatsapp 一伙。

同話質素 Signal 比 Whatsapp/Telegram 差。而我的使用經驗到目前為止 Telegram 的最好,語音質素比 Whatsapp 好很多。打電話我會用 Telegram。


Signal 有中文版。不是應用程式裏面轉語言的。Telegram 下載時候是英文版,安裝後到這個網頁直接按下所需語言包的連結,Telegram 會自動下載語言包和轉換語言。

Signal Desktop 版需要 Signal App 掃描 QR code。如果沒有智能手機,只有 Telegram 支援用SMS短訊認證。

可能因為 Signal 的保安嚴密,如果要用瀏覽器界面,只有 Telegram 可以 (web.telegram.org)。


Use SSD for bootable USB stick Linux liveboot

If you flash a Debian-style Linux live-boot image that’s intended for USB stick on a USB-SSD itself (for speed), it will get stuck at initramfs on boot because unlike USB sticks, USB SSD drives are not considered removable drives, yet the live-boot parameters (scripts) set to search only removable media, hence it cannot find the right device.

The solution is to remove live-media=removable as boot parameter (typically under append initrd). You can do that quickly on each boot by TAB key to modify this key-value pair out of the boot parameters and hit enter.

To make it persistent, you have to edit the scripts where these boot parameter lives. The live USB stick/CD was supposed to be mounted as a read-only volume, so we need to first remount it as writable in order to modify the scripts:

mount -o remount -w /lib/live/mount/medium

Note the -w parameter which means writable. -o means options. -o remount,rw means exercising the remount option as a writable drive (-w is alternate syntax for writable).

Make sure you have root access (to modify these files), and edit these live*.cfg files if it shows up in the following folders:


Then take out live-media=removable in for the boot menu item you normally use for each of these script .cfg files. Reboot after you are done.


民主歌聲獻中華 Concert For Democracy In China 1989-05-27

Hong Kong people who grew up under the British rule (before 1997-07-01) generally respects freedom and genuine democracy (the western kind with separation of powers strictly enforced under the rule-OF-law, not Marxist-Leninsts’ People’s democracy which is the dictatorship of the Soviets).

They fought for freedom and genuine democracy in China in 1989 in response to the Tiananmen Square massacre. 30 years later the very same artists were bought by the Chinese Communist Party to relay their propaganda. It’s scary how many people will sell their souls and their freedom, especially other people’s freedoms, for some ‘easy’ cash (those easy cash has strings attached: you have to obey the CCP. It’s a contract with Satan).

The Chinese Communist Party did the same infiltration plans to America, which the Chinese Communist Party has made the break during the Clinton administration bribing American politicians which opens the door for them to WTO and other international organizations, allowing the evil transnational criminal organization Chinese Communist Party to have more access to trade and use the wealth to destroy and dominate the free world with communism. Time for us to either shoot down the communist party or be slaves of Xi Jin Ping.

For those who want to dive into the details, the infiltration plan is called the ‘Termite strategy‘ by Chinese Communist Party premier Zhou-Enlai: basically it sends infiltrators dressing up as innocent members of the society at all levels to emigrate to the victim country that the Chinese Communist Party wishes to corrupt. It goes as early as the 1940s, and the first attempt to subvert is the 1967 riots of Hong Kong. They did something similar with the underground communists worldwide disguising itself as the black rights movements (which repeats itself as the #BlackLivesMatter movement in 2020). There’s no surprise as the Chinese Communist Party has been sticking with the same plans ever since conception. Everything in between are just (like staying under the radar for a period of growth during Deng and Jiang dynasties) the process of helping them gain power to achieve the same evil goals of world domination by communism.

Here’s the playlist of the charity event “Concert For Democracy In China”.
