Namecheap Dynamic DNS Update Client for Windows

Namecheap provides a free Dynamic DNS client for Windows but unfortunately the client cannot be run as a service. To manage remote computers, the dynamic DNS update should at least run before any user is logged or we’ll run into a chick-and-egg problem: you want to log in remotely but the IP of the remote computer is not known (mapped/updated) until you logged in.

I initially tried to use sc.exe to create a Windows service but the program lacks a ServiceMain() implementation so the service won’t start:

Turns out there is a way to wrap a Windows executable not designed to be used as a service (without ServiceMain() implementation) and make it run as a service. Use a tool called NSSM – the Non-Sucking Service Manager!

Note that the default setting for “Log on as” is “Local System Account”, which will not work with this free Namecheap Dynamic DNS client. You must set it to “Log on as” an Administrator account.

To start the newly created service without rebooting, do nssm start <servicename>, where <servicename> is replaced by the name you choose for the service.

Note that the ‘Path to executable’ for the newly created service is nssm.exe itself, not directly the DNS update client program (like what it’d be if you create the service through sc.exe instead of nssm.exe). The reason is that nssm.exe is the wrapper that calls the underlying executable.


Namecheap Dynamic DNS Update Service

If you have a domain registered under Namecheap, you dynamically update the IP address to a remote computer at no extra costs. If you use, you have to pay $29.95/yr to use your own domain name.

However, the process is not entirely trivial because Namecheap only offers the dynamic update through its BasicDNS nameserver, which has a few implications

  • BasicDNS nameserver means you configure the DNS records directly Advanced DNS tab when you manage your domain name. DNS records in the Zone Editor in cPanel is not active with BasicDNS nameserver.
  • Subdomains in cPanel enters DNS record in the Zone Editor, so once you use the BasicDNS nameserver, you must add the A record for the subdomain AFTER creating it in cPanel (cPanel only manages the file the subdomain physically points to, you are on your own with DNS setup)
  • If you use the domain name with Namecheap hosting services, you can no longer have everything configured for you (managed in cPanel’s Zone Editor) by choosing Namecheap Web Hosting nameserver. You have to transfer the DNS record in Zone Editor (cPanel) manually to Advanced DNS tab (Namecheap). At minimum, get the IP address of the HTTP server and enter it as the ‘A Record’ for the main/sub-domain.
  • Setting up subdomain name or root domain name to be used with Dynamic DNS update service is simply entering ‘A Record’ with an any IP address as seed ‘Value’ (subdomains entered as ‘Host’). The value (IP address) will be overwritten by the update service/client.

Namecheap also offer an eye candy called ‘A + Dynamic DNS Record’ which is exactly the same thing but makes it easier for you to remind yourself that the ‘A Record’ is specifically used for dynamic DNS update.

It’s a daunting task if you haven’t done the work to understand how DNS record works since there are lots of new terms to learn.

However, it’s not that hard after you understand what ‘A Record’ does: map the domain name (or its subdomains) to an IP address. All Namecheap did is providing a web server (using REST API that accepts user inputs with certain syntax in the URL) that updates your ‘A Record’ (domain to IP address map).


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Android 版本只有一個開關掣。Windows 版本不用 管理員Admin 權限,直接裝到用戶的個人資料夾,沒有複雜的設定。一機多人用的話每個用戶自己裝一次,不會弄到一個人上VPN,其他也要一起。


還有一個由開放網路基金會贊助的翻牆軟件 賽風 (Psiphon)。我未親身試過,教學可以到。對獨裁惡魔淪陷區用戶也是完全免費。


Big Tech Alternatives

FunctionBig/Evil TechModern Alternatives
EmailGmailProton Mail (Zero-Knowledge Encryption. The host cannot decrypt)
IMWhatsappSignal (Zero-Knowledge Encryption. The host cannot decrypt)
Telegram (Better voice quality. The host so far won’t sell-out its users to tyranny)
DNSYour ISPVerisign (Privacy Respecting)
SearchGoogleDuckDuckGo (Privacy Respecting)
Video ConferencingZoom,
Skype (Microsoft)
Jami (OpenDHT so nobody can ban you) / Jitsi


尊重私隱的通訊軟件 Signal & Telegram

現在科網絡巨企業壟斷 網絡資訊 和替 某支邪惡政權 侵害言論自由 從而 偷取美國實質政權。今天 Whatsapp 宣佈 用戶資料 (尤其是通訊錄和通話記錄) 要和母公司Facebook結合。

大家請不要再使用邪惡利益集團的平台,然後讓他們任意宰割。為了避免個人資料(尤其是電話簿)外洩,要在今年(2021)二月前把 Whatsapp 刪掉。尊重個人私隱的代替品有 Signal App ( 和 Telegram (。

如果要保障資料不被出賣,Signal是首選!要好好記住密碼,忘記了的話,Signal方面沒有辦法解密(即是執法機關沒有辦法逼他們交出主人密碼)。Telegram 是俄羅斯富商自費研發的,從來不向獨裁者交出用戶資料。但技術上不可能被出賣 Signal 總比要看 Telegram 的主人的逆權鬥志安全。

Signal 是富商 Brian Action 離開 Whatsapp 後用自己的資金的 非牟利( 美國501(c)(3) )事業。他是和 Whatsapp 意見不合而離開的,應該不是和 FB/Whatsapp 一伙。

同話質素 Signal 比 Whatsapp/Telegram 差。而我的使用經驗到目前為止 Telegram 的最好,語音質素比 Whatsapp 好很多。打電話我會用 Telegram。


Signal 有中文版。不是應用程式裏面轉語言的。Telegram 下載時候是英文版,安裝後到這個網頁直接按下所需語言包的連結,Telegram 會自動下載語言包和轉換語言。

Signal Desktop 版需要 Signal App 掃描 QR code。如果沒有智能手機,只有 Telegram 支援用SMS短訊認證。

可能因為 Signal 的保安嚴密,如果要用瀏覽器界面,只有 Telegram 可以 (。
