Aria2 WebUI Notes

Aria2 is a convenient command line downloader that works like curl/wget on http/ftp, but it also support many other protocols, and it aria2 natively multipart download!

Instructions for Aria2 on Entware hosted by Lighttpd (defaults to Port 81):

Instructions for Nginx on Entware (defaults to Port 82):

Instructions for Aria2 on Entware:

There are some minor details that changed.

# Install the base (core) software first
# This example is for entware
opkg install aria2

# Download the package from Github zip to /opt/tmp
wget -c -O /opt/tmp/ --no-check-certificate

# Make sure you have some web server installed (nginx, httpd, apache, etc.)
# Nginx HTTP server instructions
# Make sure you know what {Webroot} is
# for Nginx, {Webroot} is /opt/share/nginx/html

# Unpack to the zip file at /opt/tmp and clean up the zip
unzip /opt/tmp/ -d /opt/tmp/ && rm /opt/tmp/
# Move/rename to desired location
mv /opt/tmp/webui-aria2-master {Webroot}/aria2

Nginx defaults to port 82 (change it to where you set your web server). The WebUI can be accessed at http://your_server_here:82/aria2/docs.

/doc is inconvenient, so I created a redirection by placing this index.html under aria2’s root folder:

<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url='./docs'" />

The RPC host breaks out of the box because the you’ll need to make a few adjustments to /opt/etc/aria2.conf before you can start the service without crashing it (so the WebUI of course will complain with a lot of cryptic error messages):

# Basic Options
dir={Change it to a viable folder that has enough space if /opt/var/aria2/downloads
 is is not big enough}

# RPC Options
# Unless you want to get a certificate, you'll need to use unsecure mode:
# Change your rpc-secret to be matched in "Connection Settings" in the WebUI

After you get the config file correct

# Start the installed aria2 service 
$ (the package already have a service wrap over aria2c)
# aria2 seem to assume it's port 81 so the init.d script has a "S81" prefix, but aria2 does not control the port, where you put the WebUI in http. So it's just a cosmetic filename naming convention.
/opt/etc/init.d/S81aria2 start

If the service wouldn’t start (some bad configs might have the service reported as “done” and after you check again in a second with “S81aria2 check“, it’ll report as “dead”. You can debug by looking at what went wrong at /opt/var/log/aria2.log. That’s how I figured I need to turn off “rpc-secure” parameter.
