‘Only in Python’ Series (1): ClassMethod

‘Only in Python’ series talks about the constructs that are more specific to Python than other mainstream languages. Of course there are some overlaps with other language, so my choices would be language behavior/characteristics screams Python whenever I see it.

Python also access the class (not instance) by its own name (just like MATLAB) followed by dot operator. In C++, class-wise (not instance-wise) are always accessed through SRO, aka Scope Resolution Operator ::.

There isn’t really a concept for class method despite Python has a @classmethod decorator. The syntactic sugar merely for the use case where a static function happens to access to static members of the same class through its own class’s name.

Static methods and static data members are pretty much glorified namespaces (just like packages and modules in Python) that isn’t tied to any object instances. If a function wants to access the class-wise members (attributes/properties), simply call them by the name of the class instead of object instances of it.

Btw, C++ implicitly passes *this internally and not rely on the function prototype, aka first argument, to pass self around, so you don’t have this problem.

MATLAB does not have native support for static data member but it has static methods. (Btw, in MATLAB, attributes means the access modifiers to methods and properties block, not members of a class like in Python). It’s smart enough to figure out if a method is marked static so it’s exempt from receiving the object itself as the first argument.

Python is a little primative in this department. Calling a method from an object instances always imply passing self as the first argument in the call, whether you want it (instance methods) or not (static/class-wise methods).

If you call a method by the class name, no implict first argument was passed.

To address this mandatory self issue, Python simply use decorators (function wrappers) to wrestle the passed self to fit your purposes.

@staticmethod effectively tosses out the implied first argument (self) passed by method calls from object instances since it’s by definition not needed/wanted.

@classmethod effectively takes the implied first argument (self) and replace it with its class name, aka type(self) as cls so your function prototype expects the first argument. I said effectively because if you call the @classmethod-decorated method by class name, which self is not passed, the deocrator still produces the variable cls to match the first argument in your function prototype.

Here’s an example:

class A:
  a = 3
  def __init__(self):
    self.a = 42

  def print_a_cls(cls):
  # Both obj_a.print_a_cls() and A.print_a_cls() prints 3 twice
  # @classmethod basically swap the passed 'self' argument and replace the first arg
  # with type(self) which is the class's name A here

  def print_a_static():
  # Both obj_a.print_a_static() and A.print_a_static() prints 3 
  # @staticmethod basically absorbs and discard the first argument 'self' if passed

  def print_a_instance(self):

  def print_a_classwise():
  # obj_a.print_a_classwise()
  # "TypeError: A.print_a_classwise() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given"
  # A.print_a_classwise() prints 3

If you don’t use these decorators, methods without self as the first argument will work only if you call them by the class’s name. If you try to call it through an object instance, it’ll rightfully refuse to run because the call supplies self as an argument which your function isn’t ready to accept.


How missing keys are handled in Dictionary (Hashtables) in C++, Python and MATLAB


In C++ (STL), the default behavior to touching (especially reading) a missing key (whether it’s map or unordered_map, aka hashtable) is that the new key will be automatically inserted with the default value for the type (say 0 for integers).

I have an example MapWithDefault template wrapper implementation that allows you to endow the map (during construction) with a default value to be returned when the key you’re trying to read does not exist

C++ has the at() method but it involves throwing an exception when the key is not found. However enabling exceptions is a material performance overhead burden in C++.


MATLAB’s hashtables are done with containers.Map() and with more modern MATLAB, dictionary objects (R2020b and on), unless you want to stick to valid MATLAB variable names as keys and exploit dynamic fieldnames.

Neither containers.Map() or dictionary have a default value mechanism when a key is not found. It will just throw an error if the key you are trying to read does not exist. Use iskey()/isKey() method to check if the key exist first and decide to read it or spit out a default value.


Natively Python dictionaries will throw a Key error exception if the requested key in [] operator (aka __getitem__()) do not already exist.

Use .get(key, default) method if you want to assume a default value if the key is not found. The .get() method does not throw an exception: the default is None if not specified.

If you want C++’s default behavior of reading a new key means inserting the said key with a default, you have to explicitly import collections package and use defaultdict. I wouldn’t recommend this as the behavior is not intuitive and likely confusing in insidious ways.

There’s a simiar approach to my MapWithDefault in Python dictionaries: subclass from dict and define your own __missing__ dunder/magic method that returns a default when a key is missing, then use the parent (aka dict)’s constructor to do an explicit (type/class) conversion for existing dict object into your child class object that has __missing__ implemented.

Despite this approach is a little like my MapWithDefault, the __missing__ approach has more flexibility like allowing the default value to be dependent on the query key string, but it comes at the expense of making up one different class, not instance per different default values.

Monkey-patching instance methods is frowned upon in Python. So if you want the default value to tie to instances, the mechanism needs to be redesigned.


We use ContextManager (“with … as” statement) in Python because Python’s fundamental language design (garbage collecting objects) broke RAII

[TLDR] Python doesn’t have RAII. C++ and MATLAB allows RAII. You can have a proper RAII only if destructor timing is 100% controllable by the programmer.

Python uses Context Manager (with ... as idiom) to address the old issue of opening up a resource handler (say a file or network socket) and automatically close (free) it regardless of whether the program quit abruptly or it gracefully terminates after it’s done with the resource.

Unlike destructors in C++ and MATLAB, which registers what to do (such as closing the resource) when the program quits or right before the resource (object) is gone, Python’s Context Manager is basically rehasing the old try-block idea by creating a rigid framework around it.

It’s not that Python doesn’t know the RAII mechanism (which is much cleaner), but Python’s fundamental language design choices drove itself to a corner so it’s stuck micro-optimizing the try-except/catch-finally approach of managing opened resourecs:

  • Everything is seen as object in Python. Even integers have a ton of methods.
    MATLAB and C++ treats POD, Plain Old Data, such as integers separately from classes
  • Python’s garbage collector controls the timing of when the destructor of any object is called (del merely decrement the reference count).
    MATLAB’s garbage collector do not apply to objects so the destructor timing is guaranteed
    C++ has no garbage collection so the destructor timing is guaranteed and managed by the programmer.

Python cannot easily exclude garbage collecting classes (which breaks RAII) because fundamentally everything are classes (dictionaries potentially with callables) in Python.

This is one of the reasons why I have a lot of respects for MATLAB for giving a lot of consideration for corner cases (like what ’empty’ means) in their language design decisions. Python has many excellent ideas but not enough thoughts was given to how these ideas interact, producing what side effects.

Pythons documentation says out loud right what it does: with ... as ... is effectively a rigidly defined try-except-finally block:

Context Manager heavily depends on resource opener function (EXPR) to return a constructed class instance that implements __exit__ and __enter__, so if you have a C external library imported to Python, like python-ft4222, likely you have to write in your context manager in full when you write your wrapper.

Typically the destructor should check if the resource is already closed first, then close it if it wasn’t already closed. Take io.IOBase as an example:

However, this is only a convenience when you are at the interpreter and can live with the destructor called with a slight delay.

To make sure your code work reliably without timing bugs, you’ll need to explicitly close it somewhere other than at a destructor or rely on object lifecycle timing. The destructor can acts as a double guard to close it again if it hasn’t, but it should not be relied on.

The with ... as construct is extremely ugly, but it’s one of the downsides of Python that cannot be worked around easily. It also makes it difficult for users to retry acquiring a resource because one way or another retrying involves injecting the retry logic in __enter__. It’s not that much typographic savings using with ... as over try-except-finally block if you don’t plan to recycle th contextmanager and the cleanup code is a one-liner.


Tricks you eventually pick up with math

This is a note-to-self page which I’ll update as I naturally revisit these ideas opportunistically.

Special numbers

-1: alternating signs through odd/even powers (-1)^k
0: null (trivial additive solution), invariant (sums to zero)
1: identity (trivial multiplicative solution), invariant (multiplies to 1)
[0,1) shrinks with growing powers
2: 2*2=2+2
Odd: 2k+1, Even: 2k

Problem solving approaches

Properties of linearity, aka superposition

Find ways to see a raw definition of a concept hidden in the problem you’re solving.

Plugging in easy/obvious examples to verify a hypothesis (often used in differential equations) during exploration

Make up a convenient term or multiplier that you wish you could and hopefully the counteracting term can be pushed out or used somewhere, like -1+1 or multiply the numerator and denominator both by \sqrt{2}

Special functions

Things only a constant function can do

Small \mathrm{sinc} goes to 1 is the same as the small angle approximation for \sin(x)\approx x

Quadratics: Exploit x^2 - (\alpha+\beta)x + (\alpha\beta) (e.g. used in trace and det to infer eigenvalues)

Probe and extract with indicator function I_{x\in C}, elementary vector \mathbf{e}_i and elementary matrices \mathbf{E}, Dirac or Kronecker delta.


Symmetric integrals cancels for odd function and doubles of one side for even functions


Spotting hidden famous series (such as geometric sums)

Series expansion dropping terms

\cos(x) is even terms of e^x with alternating signs starting with 1,
\sin(x) is odd terms of e^x with alternating signs starting with x

Taylor series always have factorial at the bottom (denominator) of the coefficient matching the n-th derivative at the top (numerator) for the n-th power term.

Telescoping series (adjacent terms cancels)

Use derivative to bring down polynomial power by 1 and create a shifted series (which can be used to recurse or cancel)


In real line topology, outside the intuitive examples (singletons included), consider universal and empty set first, rationals and irrationals, then blame Cantor.

Discrete Math (or Primes)

Modulos: generate all possible remainders of a certain modulo by multiplying.


Pandas DataFrame in Python (1): Disadvantage of using attributes (dot notation) to access columns. Use `[]` (getitem) operator instead

There are two ways to access columns in DataFrame. The preferred way is by square brackets (indexing into it like a dictionary), while it’s tempting to use the neater dot notation (treating columns like an attribute), my recommendation is don’t!

Python has dictionaries that handles arbitary labels well while it doesn’t have dynamic field names like MATLAB do. This puts DataFrame at a disadvantage developing dot notation syntax while the dictionary syntax opens up a lot of possibilities that are worth giving up dot notation for. The nature of the language design makes the dot notation very half-baked in Python and it’s better to avoid it altogether

Reason 1: Cannot create new columns with dot notation

UserWarning: Pandas doesn't allow columns to be created via a new attribute name - see https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#attribute-access

Reason 2: Only column names that doesn’t happen to be valid Python attribute names AND DataFrame do not have any method with the same name can be accessed through dot notation.

Take an example of dataframe constructed from device info dictionaries created by the package pyft4222. I added a column called 'test me' to a table converted from the dictionary of device info. The tabe T looks like this:

I tried dir() on the table and noticed:

  • The column name "test me" did not appear anywhere, not even mangled. It has a space in between so it’s not a valid attribute or variable name, so this column is effectively hidden from the dot notation
  • flags is an internal attribute of DataFrame and it was not overriden by the data column flags when called by the dot notation. This means the flags column was also shadowed in (aka hidden to) the dot notation as there were no mangled name for it either

Even more weird is that getattr() works for columns with non-qualified attribute name like test me (despite the dot notation cannot access it because of the lack of dynamic field names syntax yet test me doesn’t show up in dir()). getattr(T, 'flags') still gets the DataFrame’s internal attribute flags instead of the column called flags as expected.
