Structuring your MATLAB code base

When your MATLAB project gets large, or when you have a lot of projects, it’s time to consider restructuring your code and libraries so you can focus on what matters the most instead of plowing through the mess you just created.

For my projects, I usually create a file called ‘managedPathAndFiles_{myProjectName}.m’ at the top-level folder. The comments in the demo code below highlight the techniques used:

function [file, folder] = managedPathAndFile_myProject(isRegenerated)
% isRegenerated: set to 'false' to skip addpath() (which is slow)

 % Optional default input arguments by name instead of couting nargin
 if( ~exist('isRegenerated', 'var') )
   isRegenerated = true;

 % Note the use of nested structures (like replacing _ with .)
 % You can use the hierarchy to group folders/files in a way you can 
 % operate on them in one-shot

 % Use the location of this file as anchor 
 % 'pwd' is unreliable because you can call this from other folders if
 % it's in MATLAB's path
 folder.root = fileparts( mfilename('fullpath') );
 % Include your project specific subroutines in the MATLAB path
 % Use fullfile() to generate platform independent folder structures
 folder.core.root = fullfile(folder.root, 'core');
 folder.core.helper = fullfile(folder.core.root, 'helper'); 
 % Add all the paths under the folder in one shot
 if( isRegenerated )
   % '-end' avoids name conflict by yielding to the incumbent paths 
   addpath( genpath(folder.core.root), '-end' );
 % Automatically create data storage folder = fullfile(folder.root, 'data'); = fullfile(, 'data');
 if( isRegenerated )
   % Outputting something will absorb the error if the path alreayd
   % exist. I made a mkdir_silent() in my libraries, but used the
   % native call here for demo.
   [~, ~] = structfun(@mkdir,;
 % Sometimes you might have config or external files to load = fullfile(, 'statistics.mat');

Many people don’t know about the function genpath() so they ended up lumping all their dependencies in one folder which makes my eyes bleed. Organize your files into a tree that makes sense now!

I’d recommend any serious MATLAB developer build their own library folder with a consistent naming and a sensible tree hierarchy. After looking into FEX and what’s natively available in MATLAB and you still need to roll out your own code, you’re likely to rediscover what you’ve already built just by establishing a new .m file/function you are about to write in the folder you’d most naturally put it in (like people with like mind: self, tend to pick the same names).

Sometimes you have to whip up some ‘crappy’ code that doesn’t generalize (or can be reused) in other contexts. Consider putting them in a /private folder under the caller so it won’t be visible to everybody else. Of course, I encourage people spend a little more time to write the code properly so it can be put in your own MATLAB library.


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